Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Hey you lazy lot!
Gimme more banners!!!!


denise nestor said...

is this a detail of the wood block printing thing you did? It looks great!

Claire said...

It's the center of the big rose from me print, colours adjusted slightly. I just wanted to keep the ball rolling with the banner project (hint hint) ;)

Toma Lione said...

every rose has its thorn ;)

Claire said...

Everrrrrrrry cowboy, sings a sad sad song....

denise nestor said...

I have sooo many good intentions!! : ) Watch this space....

emma rowe said...

sorry claire, i ve been all over the shop i ve spent the month of july either sick or getting stitches, i now have a cold, and i have to come up with something for an intern show at pallas projects ahhhhhhhhhhh and i m crap at computers but as soon as i leave the couch which i will be doing cos i now have a job i ll pull the finger out

Anonymous said...

You're forcing me to doodle! heh Toma every beast has it's horn!!!