Paris, Year 2007, Tinderbox was at that time just a secret wish. And now it has become a rolling stone gathering talents from the far North of Europe. It's now your turn to enjoy the pain of dead lines, to share with us the darkest corners of your imagination, to bring the contemporary Irish Culture to the next level. U2 fans and Pub addicts need you!
I look forward to seeing you all at your next exhibition which is taking place very soon, isn't it?
have you been drinking?
Ya and did you mention U2 fans on this here sacred blog?
haha fran, i read it and went U2? and then saw your comment, a continental european thing maybe? well I'm getting ready slowly but surely for "putting on my stage" in the not so far north of europe toma!
I love the paper cut on this poster. It's so elegant. Who did it? Do they have any work online?
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