Hey everyone, here's my first submission of banners for Tinderbox. I've been messing about with making a typeface & layering textures in Photoshop to give a kind of vintage screenprint effect. I've done 2 options, a colourful one & a more muted one cos I thought the colour one might look a bit kiddy?
I'll probably have a go at another banner in a different style, how's everyone else getting on?!
hey damien
nice work I like both colours, but like muted one the most, the sorta off print of the the text is neat and simple
I forgot about banners must get moving
damien , these are class
I absolutely love them BOTH ;)
the top is my fave
Love the style of these! I think I prefer the muted colour one too
P.S. My wintery one will have to go soon, not so snowy anymore!
Both are great!, I like the fonts and colors.
I think the colour one not look kiddy, I feel more cheerful, and always animate the long winter.
I like the colourful more Damien, if you come up with more post 'em up.
Brillo pads as usual Damo.
I'm looking forwrad to seeing them in situ.
Buala bus
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