Monday, June 1, 2009

I have a question? please!

Tinderbox members for my Scribble Box piece (which might change but this could help me) Lost things? is there one object or thing or anything that has been lost and you if could have it back what would it be, just one thing, for me for some reason I would love to have one of my grandfather's trilbies, not to be trendy but it reminds of a very specific period of my childhood. an answer to this question would make me happy.     


Brian Stapleton said...

Hi Emma, sounds like an interesting project. My lost item would have to be my Weetabix cassette tape which I think was the first piece of music I ever owned. 'Come On Eileen', 'Doctor! Doctor!', 'Shout'. It was the business!!!

emma.r said...

thanks Brian I m hoping maybe for scribble box I'll use the feedback but I m being getting some good feed back so I might bring it further. I remember weetabix did some pretty good offers I can remember waiting ages for some sort of nerdy history or arty thingy they were giving away and being very happy with what I received

denise nestor said...

hi emma, this is kinda random, but my dad told me that years ago he found a pair of huge antlers on our land beside the river. They must've been ancient, its not the kind of place you'd find deer nowadays. But, he lost 'em... don't know what I would have done with them, but still, it's always bothered me : ) Its just something that came to mind! I'm sure there are more relevant things I've lost but nothing else is coming to mind right now. Good luck with this!

emma.r said...

Thanks Denise! You've just given me an excuse to draw some deer related material!! haha

Toma Lione said...

Emma, I lost my childhood, and I'd love to have it back. Cheers. Thomas

emma.r said...

ah poor thomas, I ll call you peter pan then, thats a hard one to get back. you can only ever capture glimpses then again my mother tells me some men never grow up

Toma Lione said...

lucky them ;)