Thursday, October 15, 2009

Vivian Maier - Her Discovered Work

Some guy bought up a box full of thousands of negatives at an auction and was amazed to find out that they're mostly absolutely deadly.

"I acquired Vivian's negatives while at a furniture and antique auction. From what I know, the auction house acquired her belongings from her storage locker that was sold off due to delinquent payments. I purchased her negatives and rolls of film from this auction.

I found her name written with pencil on a photo-lab envelope. I decided to 'Google' her about a year after I purchased these only to find her obituary placed the day before my search. She passed only a couple of days before my inquiry on her. "

Check out the blog!


Claire said...

Woa these are amazing!!!

Toma Lione said...

really nice pics on teh related blog!

Jane O Sullivan said...

wow oh wow ...thanks for sharing this link is a very special collection for sure .
It is so intriguing to think also how john maloof( the guy who found and ultimately her promoter in abstensia) he feels about it all .
It reminds me a little of the photographer who discovered that his downstairs neighbour ,when he died(Henry Darger)was an amazingly prolific and extraordinary visionary artist.
Look up Darger ,if you do not know of his work and story.