Wednesday, March 31, 2010

SoGo Festival - Volunteers Wanted

What is SoGo:
A multi-disciplinary Arts Festival in Dublin.
The main objective of the festival for the area is to create a festive, friendly atmosphere in the area, sell the individual attractions ranging from food to fashion to music and give the stage to some of Ireland’s (and possibly International) best artistic talents.
Volunteers Wanted
Meeting tomorrow (Thursday 1st April) at 4pm upstairs in Fallon and Byrne (above the restaurant) for all people who are interested in volunteering in any capacity anytime between now and the festival on the 30th April. If you are one of those, please come along and they will fill you in on all the details.

1 comment:

thebigfatpeacock said...

Hi guys, as always I came across this post just a little too late. Still really interested in helping out at the festival and meeting other tinderboxers (still too shy to put up my own work but working on it!!) Any stuff to be done?