Tasting. Come and celebrate the long-awaited arrival of this year Beaujolais Nouveau with friends and colleagues and, in the company of an expert, discover other vintage wines from this lovely region of France (Brouilly, Juliénas, Moulin à Vent, Fleurie …) in the setting of a festive evening with music, a magician and local food products (cheese, paté, saucisson...) to accompany the wine tasting! We are also honoured to welcome H.E. Roé d’Albert, Ambassador of France in Ireland, to this event. Presented by The Alliance Française in partnership with the
Ireland France Chamber of Commerce, with the support of La Rousse Foods, Perrier and Domaine Manoir du Carra.Thursday 19 November -
7pmAF & IFCC members €40 per person(€65 per couple) Non-members €55
Alliance Française1 Kildare Street, Dublin 2
J'adore le vin rouge! Peut-être je vais et j'essaie un petit verre de vin!
(apologies for my broken french, j'apprends...lentement)
le sang du Christ!
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