Hi all
So myself (Emma R) and the wonderful Elida have been thinking of producing a Zine as both of us did not fancy going it alone we joined forces. We have been batting ideas back and forth on what we would like it to be. We both had the mind set that it would be produced to a specific brief; most zines till now have been an accompaniment to exhibitions. This zine of course will accompany future exhibitions but could also be sold in say places like the Winding Stair. Secondly we would invest more in its production and finish.
What we wish to do is a landscape sized, A5 format, colour printed and a cloth-covered spine. In order to achieve a finish of a high standard we would ask that those that wish to submit would pay for the pages they use. For instance I wish to use four pages and would be quite willing to contribute to what I use in order to get a high quality finish. Please check these links out as to what we aim for. Nobrow was something I looked and Elida at Cabanon Press. So you can see we both are on the same zine page (insert groan here).
http://www.nobrow.net/2355 please take a look at this Nobrow press book in particular. A bunch of creatives where ask to reinterred the beginning of time story. One choose a nordic folk tale, other's a spiritual approach, some scientific other where very tongue in cheek. So you can see that a theme can have many different approaches and styles.
We are thinking about other forms of money raising/funding, with the aim that this will not be the only zine created. But a group contribution is what we are looking for, for this zine.
Ok! So, the evolution of theme. Elida and myself were both affected by a documentary called Into Eternity. (It’s about what to do with nuclear waste that has to be hidden for 100,000 years and thus the implications of this, it’s quite fascinating because language as we know it now may not be enough to warn future generations. 100,000 years is a looonnnggg time). Please see link below for a more in-depth look and explanation. http://www.intoeternitythemovie.com/ Not knowing that each of us had seen it we pitched it to each other as something that spoke to different themes we both were exploring so it was quite serendipitous.
Subtitle: Monsters of tomorrow
Gods and Monsters, I know it’s a movie title but it has a ring to it. We can change it around. I won’t go too in-dept into the themes myself and Elida talked about as regards our own work because I don’t want to limit your interpretations of what the title can mean to you guys. Maybe you see duality in this title, I was thinking we maybe need new fairy tales as warnings for new monsters, Elida was concerned with waste and its longevity. We hope that many things can be woven by your minds into this title. The links I hope will be of help. Leave your thoughts and intentions of interest here and Elida and myself will get building.
We were also thinking of inviting the fabulous writers of Fighting Words to collaborate with us once again, writing texts around the Gods and Monsters/Monsters of Tomorrow theme, that we could illustrate.
P.S. Deadline will follow soon.